Monday, 29 April 2013

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers has a vast spread of work, who has adapted his graphology into many aspects of his works. From figurative painting and installation, to illustration and picture-book making, his work has been exhibited in New York, Dublin, London, Sydney, Washington DC, and Belfast. Some of his most iconic work has been out of childrens books and literature where he demonstrates his unique style in a cute and playful platform.

This is an illustration from his famous book 'The incredible book eating boy' This particular story tells the tale of a boy who discovers he has the amazing ability to aquire knowledge through books through eating them and gaining the words on the pages. He plots to beomce the most clever boy on earth until one fateful night...
This Particular example of illustration is intertesting as it combines fine art with fairly childish drawing, gaining a desirable effect. It also looks 'scrapbook style' achieveing a rustic feel to the piece.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Same market, different audiences M&S vs Lidl

M&S and Lidl have both become huge high-street brands, instantly recognisable. Both shops offer the same range of products; food. But the companies both target very different audiences. While M&S offers quality products for high prices, targeting an audience who is willing to spend more, Lidl advertises cheaper productions similar to the brand but for a knock off price.

The Lidl logo features bright colours which clash, using colours like yellow and red it even reflects sales and discount prices. While the M&S logo features colours which contrast is thin letters. It definitely, doesn't try to catch your attention but conveys the message of quality instead.

Here are the bags from each supermarket. The M&S bag appears to be far more elegant than the Lidl one, a dull green also creates an sustainable. Lidl's bag still looks eye catching but doesn't really do more than do what the logo has already told us. An observation here though is that the bag is larger, meaning you can get more bang for your buck.

The product packaging for each supermarket here is indistinctly unique. The Lidl product is covered in a thin plastic, for economic efficiency. While the M&S product has a black card, with a window showing the product inside. This just creates a more luxury feel in comparison to the Lidl product.

Pauler Scher

Here is a nice take on the classic Map. Paula combines the same of places, with stunning colours and typography to create a visually rich result.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

My Blog

This is my new space to post on my new Graphics project 'My Town'.
My town is Lindford; which you may think is boring, but i hope to change your opinion with a variety of graphics work.

More to follow....