The Lidl logo features bright colours which clash, using colours like yellow and red it even reflects sales and discount prices. While the M&S logo features colours which contrast is thin letters. It definitely, doesn't try to catch your attention but conveys the message of quality instead.
Here are the bags from each supermarket. The M&S bag appears to be far more elegant than the Lidl one, a dull green also creates an sustainable. Lidl's bag still looks eye catching but doesn't really do more than do what the logo has already told us. An observation here though is that the bag is larger, meaning you can get more bang for your buck.
The product packaging for each supermarket here is indistinctly unique. The Lidl product is covered in a thin plastic, for economic efficiency. While the M&S product has a black card, with a window showing the product inside. This just creates a more luxury feel in comparison to the Lidl product.
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